Respect thy Neighbours don't be noisy
Consideration to your neighbour:
Site noisy household equipment (e.g. washing machines) away from partition walls
When buying a new household appliance, ask how noisy it is. If people opt for quiet appliances, manufacturers will make them!
Perform noisy DIY jobs during normal waking hours. Apologise to neighbours in advance for disturbance caused by DIY.
Keep the volume of TV, radio and music as low as possible, especially late at night. If you want to turn the volume up, use headphones (but be careful not to deafen yourself!).
If you have an old or faulty burglar alarm, replace it with one complying to EU standard
If you have a party, tell your neighbours in advance, and keep the noise to a minimum.
Noise phobia, an exaggerated fear of specific sounds, is a surprisingly common concern among pet owners. While fireworks and thunderstorms are often the most obvious triggers, other loud noises like gunshots, car alarms, or even construction work can spark anxiety in our furry companions.
The signs of noise phobia can vary depending on the pet's personality. Dogs might exhibit more overt signs of distress, such as trembling, pacing, whining, excessive barking, or desperate attempts to escape. Cats, on the other hand, may express their fear more subtly. They might hide in unfamiliar or enclosed spaces, become withdrawn and less interactive, or show signs of physical distress like dilated pupils and excessive grooming.